Watch Forever Strong Dailymotion

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Kumkum Bhagya 23rd September 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on The Episode starts with Mr. Sehgal asking Abhi about his wife. Abhi i. 25 Unexpected Wedding Processional Songs That Will Delight You Songs you can walk, run or dance down the aisle to.

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Watch False Teacher Heidi Baker Imparting Demons And Casting Spells At Bethel Church • Now The End Begins. Demonic frauds like Heidi Baker are not only after your wallet, they are after your soul as well.“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”1 John 4: 1 (KJV)Heidi Baker is a rising star in the Prosperity Movement, and she is connected with Bethel Church in Redding, California. She has a global ministry that takes in millions and millions of dollars every year and like most Prosperity Gospel performers, she lives the good life. And as this video will prove beyond the shadow of any lingering doubt, she is a portal for demons looking for places to land. They are landing in bunches at Bethel Church. This is how people fall for this junk: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”2 Timothy 4: 3,4 (KJV)Heidi Baker’s demonic impartations at Bethel Church: GRAPHIC WARNING: This video, from a spiritual perspective, is highly disturbing and is not recommended for children to watch. Please view with caution. Notice how she uses repetitive phrases combined with repetitive music to put people into a trance- like state.

Phrases like “receive the anointing”, “ten times”, “giving away” are repeated endlessly, this is right out of the cult’s playbook. In the middle of her demonic, psychic ramblings, she easily slips in admonitions for the people to “be generous with their gifts”, meaning to empty your wallet in the plate when it comes around. This woman is not just crazy, she is demon possessed. At one point she starts repeating the word “legacy” over and over again while directing her worshippers to “put crowns on people’s head” and to “impart the anointing”. This is what it looks like when the Devil is in the Church. Watch the video and see people writhing in pain on the floor, screaming out in pain, this is what passes for a “church service” in the Prosperity Movement”. But demonic frauds like Heidi Baker are not only after your wallet, they are after your soul as well.

The only “anointing” you will get by attending a Heidi Baker ‘worship’ service is the anointing of Satan with the arrival of his demons as you invite them to come in. Baker’s ministry, called IRIS Global, is a reference to the all- seeing Eye of Horus and a gateway to the demonic disguised as a “children’s charity”.

In 1. 99. 8, she joined the Bethel School Of Supernatural Ministry to “equip and deploy revivalists who passionately pursue worldwide transformation”. Heidi Baker rolling on the ground, speaking nonsense: Watch and listen Heidi Baker under the control of demons bent on tormenting her, as the church congregation cheers her wildly. Stay far away from Heidi Baker, unless you are looking to catch one of the demons she enjoys casting so much. And stay far away from this Laodicean mess at Bethel Church. This is not New Testament Christianity, and this is not Bible doctrine.“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”Revelation 1.

Kumkum Bhagya 2. 1st November 2. Written Episode Update. Kumkum Bhagya 2. 1st November 2.

Watch Forever Strong Dailymotion

Written Episode, Written Update on Telly. Updates. com. The Episode starts with Beeji and Sarla talking about Abhi and Pragya. Sarla says I will never separate them again. Abhi tells Purab that he will drink more lassi. Sarla tells Pragya that she thought she will be happy if she leaves Abhi, but she was wrong. She says I forgot my own teachings and asked you to choose between your husband and me. She says I know you both can’t stay without each other, and that’s why I am with you.

Abhi comes and asks what you people are talking. Sarla says I was telling her that her boss is very clever to get her back on less pay.

Abhi says I am thinking to hire you as financial advisor. Sarla agrees and laughs. Aaliya and Tanu are angry knowing Abhi and Pragya are returning home. Dadi says you can do any planning, but God will never separate them. She says whenever Pragya is made to leave the house, Abhi brings her back as she is destined to stay here with him.

Mitali calls Dadi and says Abhi came. I saw his car. Dadi calls Indu.

Dasi comes. Dadi says we have to make arrangements to welcome Pragya. Dasi brings aarti plate. Dadi does Pragya and Abhi’s aarti together. Tanu and Aaliya are irked. Mitali asks did you pack your bags? Watch Midnight Chronicles Online Facebook.

Tanu says yes, but then unpacked it too, it was a mistake. Mitali asks her to pack again and goes.

Abhi asks Dasi, what happened to Dadi? Why she is doing aarti as if I have won the war.

Dasi says it was not less than a war, as you brought Nikita back home saving her from goons. Pragya asks Dadi, why she is doing aarti as Abhi might doubt. Dadi says she is fulfilling her wish and taking evil eye off from them. Abhi asks Pragya to let Dadi do aarti. Dadi blesses them and says nothing will happen now, and you people will be together. Tanu is irked and asks Aaliya to do something. Aaliya says our team will defeat them and we have to double our efforts.

Dasi tells Abhi that Dadi is happy now. Dadi asks Abhi about Sarla, Beeji and janki. Abhi says Purab talked to the new tenants and got their home back. Dasi says I told her that Sarla will not come here or drink water.

Abhi asks what? Dadi explains to him that such people with values don’t drink water of the house where their daughter is married or work in that house. Pragya comes to Aaliya and Tanu’s room and asks if they are shocked to see her. She says our relation is for forever, and you people can’t separate us. She says he is my husband, even though we are not together.

She says you both have proved that you both will never become good. If you wouldn’t have done my kidnapping then I wouldn’t have returned. She says I heard Abhi calling my name. She says I got strength now and will do something.

Aaliya asks will you tell Abhi about the truth. Pragya says she can’t stoop like them, and will not dirty her hands like them. She says I have seen his eyes and feelings of his heart. Tanu says Abhi called you back being his secretary and he doesn’t mean to love you.

Pragya asks Aaliya to get her eye tested, and says if he was just a boss then he would not had come to Palghar and rescued her from kidnapper. She says although he is suffering memory loss, but his heart is with me and restless without me. Tanu says your one sided love is getting you mad and reminds her that she is divorced now with Abhi. She calls her secretary.

Pragya asks her not to call her secretary and asks her to get her eyes tested. She says Abhi fulfills all his duties of a husband. Aaliya asks why she is so happy when she is just secretary.

Pragya says she will be with Abhi and will show their face to Abhi. She says may be you will marry him or not. Tanu says may be you will live or not. She says I will take your breath. Pragya asks her to start counting reverse countdown and determines not to get Tanu marry Abhi, and also to expose them. Dasi brings Pragya to Dadi. Dadi apologizes to Pragya for keeping silent even after seeing the injustice.

Pragya says you didn’t do anything and asks her not to apologize. Precap: Abhi asks Pragya where she was going? Pragya says home. Abhi jokes that she went to parlour last time. Update Credit to: H Hasan.