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Watch Space. X Launch Lots of Ice Cream to NASA Astronauts Today. The dog days of summer are here, so shouldn’t astronauts hurtling through space get to enjoy some Earthly delights?

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Watch Record- Setting NASA Astronaut Peggy Whitson Return to Earth Tonight. NASA astronaut and biochemist Peggy Whitson will return to Earth as the planet’s new record holder for longest time cumulatively spent on space by an American or a woman this weekend, touching down in a Russian Soyuz capsule in Kazakhstan at 7: 2. Eastern). Whitson has spent the last nine and a half months in Earth orbit on the International Space Station, per the Washington Post, and counting her previous flights, will have logged 6. During her current mission, she also set the world record for oldest woman in space at 5. As the Post noted, she is also the only female astronaut to have commanded the ISS twice.

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Man Pays $4. 1,0. To Look Like Final Fantasy VIII's Squall Leonhart. Amirul Rizwan Musa, a 2. Malaysia, has spent over $4. Squall Leonheart, minus the scar. Can you see the resemblance?

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Ubisoft Removes Fourth Of July Fireworks From Watch Dogs 2 After 'Noise Complaints'A temporary Independence Day celebration in Watch Dogs 2 was suspended early on July 4 because it was enraging too many people who still play Ubisoft’s late 2. The fireworks had been added to the game as part of the 1. They were set to erupt during the game’s night cycles from June 2. July 1. 0. On Twitter, they were described by gamers as “completely obnoxious,” “fucking annoying” and “too frequent, too long and too loud.” Someone else said they were scaring their dog. Initially, Ubisoft defended the fireworks. Three days ago, in reply to a forum thread titled “Annoying Fireworks At night missions,” a Ubisoft community representative noted: “While you may find them loud in- game, they are really loud in real life too! The sound carries over the water and you can hear them all over the Bay!”By yesterday, Ubisoft yielded.